Bar Associations Offer Swearing-in Ceremonies to Recent Bar Passers
Swearing-in ceremonies have been planned to welcome more than 360 soon-to-be attorneys into the profession. Local bar associations throughout the state will host ceremonies in the month of November.
Register here for one of these events:
- Nov. 10—Macomb County Bar Association
- Nov. 12—Oakland County Bar Association
- Nov. 17—Genesee County Bar Association
- Nov. 17—Washtenaw County Bar Association
- Nov. 18—Grand Rapids Bar Association
- Nov. 22—Detroit Bar Association
- Dec. 14—Michigan Supreme Court/State Bar of Michigan
- Saginaw County Bar Association (Contact for swearing in dates)
The Federal Bar Association-Eastern District of Michigan will also be made available once attorneys have been sworn in by a Michigan state court.
Some ceremonies are in-person while others are offering Zoom options. Those eligible to be sworn in also can choose to be individually sworn in by a Michigan circuit court judge.
For more information, read this step-by-step guide.
Posted: November 10, 2021