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Dear Colleague,

Thousands of Michiganders are putting their lives on the line to keep the rest of us safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re writing today to ask for your help supporting them in a way that only Michigan lawyers can.

At this uncertain time, medical powers of attorney, financial powers of attorney, and wills are more crucial than ever. But for the pandemic’s frontline responders, these legal documents can be difficult—or impossible—to take care of right now. This is where you come in.

The State Bar of Michigan is launching a new initiative, the Frontline Responders Legal Helpline, where qualified attorneys can volunteer to give peace of mind to medical workers and first responders by helping them prepare those documents at no charge.

Please join us in doing what lawyers do best—helping others. We know this is a big request, but the need is real. Across Michigan, the number of those with COVID-19 continues to grow, including thousands of frontline responders who have tested positive for COVID-19 or are showing symptoms. We’re hoping to get your commitment now so we can start offering this service as early as Monday. You’ll find more information, including how to sign up, below.

Please help however you can. If you’re unable to volunteer, please forward this message to someone you know who might be able to help.

Thank you. We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.


Dennis M. Barnes, President

Janet K. Welch, Executive Director

Frontline Responders Legal Helpline (Pro Bono)

The Frontline Responders Legal Helpline will connect pandemic first responders needing the following legal documents with lawyers who will provide services at no charge.

Crucial legal documents include the following:

  • Medical Powers of Attorney
  • Financial Powers of Attorney
  • Simple/Statutory Wills

Who’s Eligible?

Any member of the State Bar of Michigan in good standing who provides proof of malpractice insurance coverage ($100,000 per occurrence/$300,000 aggregate).

Note that this initiative uses the Lawyer Referral Service platform for registration, but lawyers signing up for the Frontline Responders Legal Helpline will not become members of the regular Lawyer Referral Service.

Ready to Join? It takes just a few minutes!

  • Have your malpractice insurance declaration page handy so that you can upload it.
  • Click here to join the Frontline Responders Legal Helpline by registering on our Lawyer Referral Service platform. If you need help, we have directions here.

If you need assistance or have questions, please email Janna Sheppard at

Thank you for your service!

State Bar of Michigan
306 Townsend St.
Lansing, MI 48933-2012