Practice Management Update--January 2016

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The SBM Practice Management Resource Center partnered with the ABA Law Practice Division to provide members with a monthly issue of Law Practice Today, bringing you the most current information and trends in the legal industry from legal professionals. Law Practice Today focuses on the practical side of being a lawyer; you'll also find articles on business and career development, and managing your practice and technology.
The New Law Issue.
Get advice and analysis on the business of practicing law in this issue of Law Practice Today.
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The New Law Issue

Law Practice Today, January 2016

Editor-in-Chief: Andrea Malone
Associate Editor: Traci Ray and Nicholas Gaffney
Issue Editor: Dan Lear and Steve Embry

Sent to you by the State Bar of Michigan



Read This Issue
Seven Things Every Lawyer Should Know About Drones in 2016
By Stephen Palley
A legal flight plan for your clients considering drone use.


By Amy Wan
Many businesses find the future of finance is in the crowd.


By A. Marcello Antonucci & John P. Morgan
Weighing the benefits and risks of biometric identification technology.
By Steve Embry
Cyber insurance may not cover what you think it does.
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How to Become a Cannabis Attorney
By Neil Juneja
Getting into the weeds of a hot practice area.
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By Joel Espelien
Increasingly intelligent robots will require an equally intelligent legal approach.
Weary of Wearables: IP, Privacy, & Data Security Concerns
By Zainab Hussain
Wearable technology is on the cutting edge of IP and privacy law.


By Michael B. Rynowecer
Some new and some established practice areas likely will grow in the new year.
Integrative Law: Evolution of the Legal System
By Kim Wright
Imagine a new way to practice law, and then make it a reality.


By Immanuel Kim
The fast-growing IoT offers fascinating legal issues to practitioners.
New Practice Areas Flying High
By Nicholas Gaffney
This month's roundtable is comprised of two separate panels that look at marijuana law and drone law.
Building a Successful Law Practice Takes More Than Hard Work
By Ann Guinn
Five steps to fulfill your vision.


Five Best Practices for Finding and Working with an Expert Witness
By Ingrid Vinci
An expert witness can make or break your case.
Young Lawyers
Mainstreaming Moonshine: A Q&A with a Young Lawyer Turned Master Distiller
By Elizabeth J. Palmer
A craft distiller finds his legal skills are helpful getting his new business up and running.


Multiple Partners Means Multiple Issues in Retirement
By Ed Poll
Retiring partners need to plan well in advance to avoid unwelcome surprises.
Knowledge Strategy
Knowledge is Power
By Jack Bostleman
How knowledge strategy can make practicing law more efficient and cost-effective.
New Law
Hacking Our Way to a Brighter Practice of Law
By Lauren Mack
Finding creative ways to leverage technology.




Chair's Message
From the Chair
By Tom Bolt

One way or another, "new law" affects us all.


Law Practice Division News
Celebrate 30 years of ABA TECHSHOW March 16-19, 2016, at the Hilton Chicago.


James I. Keane Award
Nominate someone who has delivered personal legal services in an innovative manner. Learn more here.


Continuing Legal Education
Learn something new this year! Check the LP CLE page for upcoming programs.
Learn more about the
ABA Law Practice Division
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