November 22, 2021
Volume 19, Issue 47
The State Bar of Michigan will be closed November 25 & 26 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
At the Capitol
The House of Representative and Senate will be in session next on Tuesday, November 30.
House Session Schedule
Senate Session Schedule
At the Court
ADM File No. 2021-01: Assignment of Business Court Judge in the 14th Circuit Court (Muskegon County)
Issued: 11/17/21
Effective: 1/1/22
Proposed Amendments
ADM File No. 2021-05: Proposed Amendments of 6.302 and 6.310
The proposed amendments of MCR 6.302 and 6.310 would require a court to specify the estimated sentencing guideline range as part of a preliminary evaluation of the sentence and to clarify that a defendant may withdraw a plea when the actual guidelines range is different than initially estimated.
Issued: 11/17/21
Comment Period Expires: 3/1/22
ADM File No. 2021-41: Proposed Amendments of MCR 6.001, 6.003, 6.006, 6.102, 6.103, 6.106, 6.445, 6.615, and 6.933 and Proposed Additions of MCR 6.105, 6.441, and 6.450
The proposed amendments would make the rules consistent with recent statutory revisions that resulted from recommendations of the Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration.
Issued: 11/17/21
Comment Period Expires: 3/1/22
Former Justice Corrigan to Present Namesake Award to Hillsdale Foster Parents
Washtenaw County Peacemaking Court Judge Timothy P. Connors to Receive Award for Service to Michigan Children, Families
Chief Justice McCormack Seeking Public Feedback on Court Communications
Supreme Court Highlights Success of Veterans Treatment Courts
At the Bar
The Board of Commissioners met on November 19, 2021 at which time the State Bar of Michigan adopted the following public policy positions:
ADM File No. 2021-34: Proposed Amendment of MCR 5.125
The proposed amendment of MCR 5.125 would add the community mental health program as an interested person to be served a copy of the court’s order when assisted outpatient treatment is ordered.
SBM Position: Support.
ADM File No. 2018-26: Proposed Amendment of MCR 6.502
The proposed amendment of MCR 6.502 would make the rule consistent with the Court’s ruling in People v Washington, ___Mich___(2021) by allowing a defendant to file a second or subsequent motion for relief from judgment based on a claim of a jurisdictional defect in the trial court when the judgment was entered. Although the Court’s analysis in Washington related specifically to subject matter jurisdiction, reference to “jurisdictional defect” is consistent with MCR 6.508(D).
SBM Position: Support.
ADM File No. 2021-33: Proposed Amendment of Administrative Order No. 1997-10
The proposed amendment of Administrative Order No. 1997-10 would clarify which information about jobs within the judiciary would be available to the public and the manner in which it will be made available.
SBM Position: Support.
Judicial Vacancy–Jackson County
Deadline: Applications must be submitted electronically and received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 7, 2021.
Links of Interest
SBM Public Policy Resource Center
Public Acts
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Legislature
MCL Search Engines