Public Policy Update from the State Bar of Michigan

July 1, 2022
Volume 20, Issue 27

The State Bar of Michigan will be closed on Monday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.

In the Capitol

The House and Senate will be in session next on Wednesday, July 20th.
House Session Schedule
Senate Session Schedule

At the Court

Rule Amendments
ADM File No. 2019-16: Amendments of MCR 7.212, 7.215, 7.305, 7.311, and 7.312
The amendments establish word limits for briefs, motions, and other documents submitted to the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court and provide new procedures to facilitate this limitation. Briefs can be submitted using wider margins, larger line spacing, or larger fonts than the minimum requirements set forth in MCR 7.212(B)(5). A page limit is still available for self-represented parties who do not have access to a word-processing system.
Issued: 6/29/22
Effective: 9/1/22

ADM File No. 2021-22: Housekeeping Amendments
These amendments update cross-references and make other nonsubstantive revisions to clarify the rules.
Issued: 6/29/22
Effective: 7/1/22

Links of Interest

SBM Public Policy Resource Center
Public Acts
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Legislature
MCL Search Engines