March 30, 2020
Volume 18, Issue 13
FAQ About COVID-19 from Michigan Lawyers
The State Bar of Michigan is committed to helping Michigan lawyers respond optimally throughout the COVID-19 situation. If you have a question about COVID-19 and its impact on Michigan lawyers, please ask us here. We'll keep updating the information below and working to get you answers. In some cases, the questions we're receiving have not yet been answered by the decision-makers involved. Know that we are in touch with them and will share answers here as we have them.
If you have a question or concern that’s specific to your practice area, we encourage you to join the relevant State Bar of Michigan section. These communities are crowdsourcing and sharing information that is crucial to the practice area of the section.
Here are some other resources we have available to you:
At the Bar
Carrying on During COVID-19
FAQ About COVID-19 from Michigan Lawyers
NewsLinks for March 26, 2020
On Balance Podcast: What Lawyers Should Expect During the Pandemic
Whitmer Issues Stay at Home Order, MSC Extends Deadlines
The Board of Commissioners met on March 24, 2020 at which time the State Bar of Michigan adopted the following public policy positions:
ADM File No. 2002-37: Proposed Amendments of E-Filing Rules
The proposed amendments of MCR 1.109, 2.002, 2.302, 2.306, 2.315, 2.603, 3.222, 3.618, 4.201, and 8.119 are the latest proposed revisions as part of the design and implementation of the statewide electronic-filing system.
SBM Position: Support the Court’s continued effort to implement a statewide e-filing system. Because the proposed e-filing amendments are nuanced and practice specific, SBM voted to authorize individual committees and sections to submit their position reports to the Court.
ADM File No. 2019-13: Proposed Amendments of MCR 7.118
This proposal, suggested by the Prisons and Corrections Section of the State Bar of Michigan, would require counsel to be appointed to an indigent prisoner when an application for leave to appeal a grant of parole is filed by the prosecutor or victim. The right to counsel also would be included on the notice to be provided the prisoner.
SBM Position: Support.
In the Capitol
Both the House of Representatives and Senate have scheduled session for the following dates: April 1, April 7, and April 15. The Senate has also scheduled session for April 16.
At the Court
Chief Justice Bridget M. McCormack, Michigan Supreme Court Sheriff Matt Saxton (ret.), Executive Director, Michigan Sheriffs’ Association Joint Statement
Courts, Counties, Clerks Commit to Cooperation Create Task Force to Focus on Enhancing Virtual Services to the Public
Trial Courts Continue to Provide Essential Services under “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order
Court Orders Filing Deadlines Extended to Ensure Access to Courts
ADM File No. 2020-08: Administrative Order No. 2020-4 (Order Suspending Filing Deadlines in the Michigan Supreme Court and Court of Appeals)
Issued: 3/26/20
Effective: 3/24/20
Links of Interest
SBM Public Policy Resource Center
Public Acts
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Legislature
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