Fiscal Year 2021 Approved Budget


Operating Revenues

  • License Fees and Related: 7,641,000
  • All Other Operating Revenue: 1,494,890
    • Total Operating Revenue: 9,135,890

Operating Expenses

  • Labor-related Operating Expenses
    • Salaries: 5,330,899
    • Employee Benefits & Payroll Taxes: 1,915,358
    • Retiree Health Care Liability Exp: N/A
      • Total Labor-related Operating Expenses: 7,246,257

Non-labor Operating Expenses

  • Legal: 191,920
  • Public and Bar Services: 1,027,080
  • Operations and Policy: 2,713,645
    • Total Non-labor Operating Expenses: 3,932,645

Total Operating Expenses: 11,178,902

Total Operating Income (Loss): (2,043,012)

Non-Operating Rev / (Exp)

  • Investment Income: 94,000
  • Investment Income - Retiree Health Care Trust: N/A
  • Capital Contributions: N/A
  • Loss on Disposal of Capital Asset: N/A
  • Total Non-OperRev / (Exp): 94,000

Incr / (Decr) in Net Position: (1,949,012)


Operating Revenues

  • Ethics: 6,700
  • Character & Fitness: 358,625

Total Op Revenues: 365,325

Legal Salaries: 1,224,066

Other Operating Expenses

  • Ethics: 7,005
  • Client Protection Fund: 6,865
  • Interim Administrator Program: 4,500
  • Character & Fitness: 52,000
  • Unauthorized Practice of Law: 12,750
  • General Counsel: 55,800
  • Human Resources: 53,000
  • Employee Benefits & Payroll Taxes: 1,915,358
  • Retiree Health Care Liability Contribution: N/A

Total Other Operating Expense: 2,107,278

Public and Bar Services

Operating Revenues

  • Annual Meeting: 31,000
  • Lawyer Services: 204,650
  • Bar Leadership Forum: 11,725
  • UMLI: 12,500
  • 50 Year Golden Celebration: 2,350
  • Practice Management Resource Center: 1,000
  • Lawyer Referral Service: 140,000
  • Lawyers & Judges Assistance Program: 51,990

Total Op Revenues: 455,215

Public and Bar Services Salaries: 1,875,536

Other Operating Expenses

  • Annual Meeting: 56,400
  • Lawyer Services: 31,500
  • Bar Leadership Forum: 33,000
  • UMLI: 28,900
  • 50 Year Golden Celebration: 27,225
  • Practice Management Resource Center: 5,455
  • Lawyer Referral Service: 7,750
  • Outreach, Committees, Sections & Local / Affinity Bars: 136,500
  • Diversity: 35,000
  • Lawyers & Judges Assistance Program: 24,450
  • Information Technology Services: 640,900

Total Other Operating Expense: 1,027,080

Operations and Policy

Operating Revenues

  • License Fees & Related: 7,641,000
  • Chargeback to CPF: 169,000
  • Other Revenues: 195,900
  • Bar Journal Directory: 32,750
  • Bar Journal: 148,400
  • Print Center: 54,300
  • Website: 49,000
  • e-Journal: 25,000
  • Misc Revenue: N/A

Total Operating Revenues: 8,315,350

Non-Operating Revenue

  • Investment Income: 94,000
  • Investment Income - Retiree Health Care Trust: N/A
  • Capital Contributions: N/A
  • Loss on Disposal of Capital Asset: N/A

Total Non-Operating Revenues: 94,000

Operations & Policy Salaries: 2,231,297

Other Operating Expenses

  • Admin: 82,800
  • Depreciation: 558,000
  • Property Taxes (in lieu of): 78,000
  • Financial Services: 324,295
  • Bar Journal Directory: 6,000
  • Bar Journal: 510,550
  • Print Center: 61,500
  • Website: 147,500
  • e-Journal: 33,050
  • Media Relations: 30,700
  • Executive Office: 60,200
  • Board of Commissioners: 134,900
  • Rep Assembly: 41,000
  • Governmental Relations: 68,830
  • Research & Development: 21,310
  • Facilities Services: 419,760
  • Justice Initiatives (Combines PBI, RDI, JPI & CII in FY19): 135,250
  • Criminal Issues Initiative: N/A
  • Pro Bono Initiative/ Pro Bono: N/A
  • Resource Development Initiative: N/A
  • Justice Policy Initiative: N/A

Total Other Operating Expense: 2,713,645