SBM Paralegal/Legal Assistant Section Congratulates First Shining Star Award Winner


The State Bar of Michigan Paralegal/Legal Assistant Section congratulates Charlie Campbell, winner of the July 2011 Shining Star Award. Campbell received the award for his work helping low-income people in Kent County.

He is the program coordinator at Legal Assistance Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation in Grand Rapids. He began working at the Center as a student intern and continued to volunteer there even after he graduated from Davenport University and was hired by an attorney in private practice. The dedication with which Campbell produced his work as a volunteer was of such a high quality that the Center offered him a position as an employee. He is a valuable asset to the Center, and very enthusiastic about his job and his profession.

Shining Stars are Michigan paralegal/legal assistants selected monthly based on their outstanding charitable and/or community service works. Winners of this award are featured on the Paralegal/Legal Assistant Section web page.

To nominate a paralegal/legal assistant for the Shining Star Award, visit the Shining Star information page.
