SBM Practice Management Resource Center to Present "Bootcamp: Starting a 21st Century Law Firm"


The State Bar of Michigan Practice Management Resource Center will present a solo and small firm seminar called "Bootcamp: Starting a 21st Century Law Firm" from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at Western Michigan University Cooley Law School's Auburn Hills campus, located at 2630 Featherstone in Auburn Hills.

The seminar will begin with a videotaped keynote address about fundamental and irreversible changes in the world of law by Professor Richard Susskind, noted author, speaker, and independent adviser to major professional firms and to national governments. His main area of expertise is the future of professional service and the way in which technology and the internet are changing the work of lawyers. He has worked on legal technology for over 30 years, lectures internationally and has written many books, including The End of Lawyers? and Tomorrow's Lawyers.

Other speakers, including Robert Aicher, Diane Ebersole, Danon Goodrum-Garland, JoAnn Hathaway, Samantha Meinke and Victoria Vuletich, will speak on topics that include importing Britain's new law practice model, operating a virtual practice in the 21st century, marketing online and on social media, purchasing malpractice insurance, building a paperless practice, figuring out what hardware and software to include in your technology toolbox, making business decisions based on financial benchmarks, and getting billing and trust accounts right.

The seminar costs $150 to attend, and will include lunch and a copy of the American Bar Association book Flying Solo (a $99 value). For more information about the event or to register, visit the Practice Management Resource Center.
