Libraries, Legal Research & Legal Publications

The Libraries, Legal Research and Legal Publications Committee successfully implemented its continuing mission to assist members of the Bar and the public in improving the legal resources at libraries, legal publications, and methods of conducting legal research.

We met May 4, 2002, at the Clark J. Adams-Philip Pratt Oakland County Law Library; August 10, 2002, at ICLE; November 2, 2002, at the Kalamazoo Public Library; and February 15, 2003, at the State Bar of Michigan.

Committee members wrote a number of Michigan Bar Journal articles to help practitioners with research: May 2002—On the Web: Internet Resources for Michigan Appellate Lawyers by Barbara H. Goldman; December 2002 —State Jury Instructions on the Web by Jan Bissett (with Margi Heinen); January 2003—Cyber Court by Kimberly Koscielniak (with Brian Wassom); May/June 2003—Free Legal Resources on the Web by Carol A. Parker; July 2003—A Guide to International & Foreign Legal Research Online by Jennifer L. Selby; and August 2003—County Law Library Survey by Dianne Zyskowski.

Committee members are currently finishing work on our Michigan Online Legal Self-Help Center web page project, designed to help Michigan citizens find legal resources and work better with their attorneys.