New virtual support group for attorneys starting soon

New virtual support group for attorneys starting soon

The State Bar of Michigan’s Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program is offering a virtual support group for attorneys to work through stress, improve their overall well-being, and connect with their peers.

Virtual support groups are confidential and free to all members of the State Bar of Michigan.

Meetings take place via Zoom on Wednesday evenings, from 6-7 p.m. and are facilitated by an LJAP Clinical Case Manager. The next session begins October 11, 2023, and continues through December 6. (There is no meeting Nov. 22.)

Interested participants can attend at any time during the 8 weeks, and attendance at all groups is not required for participation.

To register, or get more information, please contact LJAP at or (800) 996-5522.

Posted: September 6, 2023