SBM - State Bar of Michigan


June 4, 1982


    A lawyer may, as a member of a buying club, donate legal services to the members of the club, provided that the donation is not used to disseminate information and promote the services of the lawyer outside the setting of the donation of legal services.

    References: MCPR DR 2-103(D)(4); C-220.


A lawyer is a member of a 5,000 plus member buying club called. The local president of that club has indicated an interest in having a lawyer donate an hour or two per month for anyone desiring to ask the lawyer a legal question. The lawyer asks whether the arrangement would be proper.

We assume (a) that the buying club will not be disseminating information for or concerning the lawyer to the members for the purpose of promoting the lawyer's services as a private practitioner, (b) that the buying club's activities with respect to the donation of services will be solely to advise buying club members that free legal services are available as described, (c) that the buying club and the provision of legal services will meet the criteria set forth in MCPR DR 2-103(D)(4), and (d) that the buying club is not a trade exchange of the type referred to in C-220.

Based upon the foregoing, participation as described would be ethically appropriate.