Agriculture Law
HB 6054 Taxation: farmland and open space; certain references in the farmland and open space preservation statute; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 36109 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.36109).
HB 6068 Agriculture: associations and commissions; certain references in the agricultural commodities marketing act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 12 of 1965 PA 232 (MCL 290.662).
HB 6090 Agriculture: associations and commissions; certain references in the potato industry commission; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 8 of 1970 PA 29 (MCL 290.428).
HB 6057 Financial institutions: other; certain references in the regulatory loan act; make gender neutral.
Business Law
HB 6059 Businesses: partnerships; certain references in the uniform partnership act; make gender neutral.
HB 6069 Businesses: associations; certain references in the incorporation of summer resort owners act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 8 of 1929 PA 137 (MCL 455.208).
HB 6070 Businesses: limited liability companies; certain references in the Michigan limited liability company act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 504 of 1993 PA 23 (MCL 450.4504).
Civil Procedure
HB 6079 Civil procedure: other; certain references in the revised judicature act; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 1410, 2005, 2162, 2807, 3344, 5451, 6023a & 6131 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.1410 et seq.).
Civil Rights
HB 6045 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in the provision related to marriage license without publicity; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 1 of 1897 PA 180 (MCL 551.201).
HB 6046 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in the foreign marriage act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 1 of 1939 PA 168 (MCL 551.271) & repeals sec. 2 of 1939 PA 168 (MCL 551.272).
HB 6047 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in the revised statutes of 1846 of marriage and the solemnization thereof; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 2, 3, 4 & 9 of 1846 RS 83 (MCL 551.2 et seq.) repeals sec. 1 of 1846 RS 83 (MCL 551.1).
HB 6048 Property tax: other; certain references in the general property tax act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 27a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.27a).
HB 6049 Drains: other; certain references in the drain code of 1956; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 74 & 381 of 1956 PA 40 (MCL 280.74 & 280.381).
HB 6050 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in judgments of divorce; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 1 & 2 of 1909 PA 259 (MCL 552.101 & 552.102).
HB 6051 Children: foster care; certain references in the foster care and adoption services act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 4a of 1994 PA 203 (MCL 722.954a).
HB 6052 Veterans: other; certain references in the Michigan veterans' facility act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 11 of 1885 PA 152 (MCL 36.11).
HB 6053 Individual income tax: city; certain references in the city income act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 41 of 1964 PA 284 (MCL 141.641).
HB 6055 Veterans: other; certain references in the funeral expenses of veterans statute; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 2 & 3 of 1911 PA 235 (MCL 35.802 & 35.803).
HB 6056 Campaign finance: campaign practices; certain references in the Michigan campaign finance act; make gender neutral.
HB 6058 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in Chapter 84 of divorce; make gender neutral.
HB 6060 Property: ownership interests; rights and liabilities of married women act; revise gender-specific language Amends secs. 1, 4, 5 & 6 of 1981 PA 216 (MCL 557.21 et seq.).
HB 6061 Worker's compensation: other; certain references in the worker's compensation act; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 118, 335 & 353 of 1969 PA 317 (MCL 418.118 et seq.).
HB 6062 Property tax: special assessments; certain references in act providing for deferment of special assessments on certain homesteads; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 2 & 4 of 1976 PA 225 (MCL 211.762 & 211.764).
HB 6063 Property: other; act regarding the right to manage and contract entireties property; revise gender-specific language. Amends title & sec. 1 of 1975 PA 288 (MCL 557.71).
HB 6064 Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; certain references in the public safety officers benefit act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 2 of 2004 PA 46 (MCL 28.632).
HB 6065 Veterans: other; certain references in the veterans' military pay act; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 2, 4, 4a & 5 of 1947 PA 12 (MCL 35.922 et seq.).
HB 6066 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in the provision related to marriage license; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 1 of 1887 PA 128 (MCL 551.101).
HB 6067 Property: other; act regarding survivorship of entireties interest in mortgages and land contracts; revise gender-specific language. Amends title & sec. 1 of 1925 PA 126 (MCL 557.81).
HB 6071 Veterans: other; certain references in the veterans relief fund act; make gender neutral. Amends title & sec. 1 of 1899 PA 214 (MCL 35.21).
HB 6072 Taxation: estates; certain references in the Michigan estate tax act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 21 of 1899 PA 188 (MCL 205.221).
HB 6073 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in provision for name change upon solemnization; make gender neutral. Amends title & sec. 1 of 1905 PA 299 (MCL 552.391).
HB 6074 Veterans: other; certain references in the uniform veterans' guardianship act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 13 of 1937 PA 321 (MCL 35.83).
HB 6075 Individual income tax: income; certain references in the income tax act; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 311, 504 & 522 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.311 et seq.).
HB 6076 Criminal procedure: other; certain references in the uniform reciprocal enforcement of support act; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 9a & 19 of 1952 PA 8 (MCL 780.159a & 780.169).
HB 6077 Property: other; act regarding termination of tenancy by the entireties; revise gender-specific language. Amends sec. 1 of 1927 PA 210 (MCL 557.101).
HB 6078 Insurance: other; certain references in the insurance code; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 2207, 2209 3110 & 3402 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.227 et seq.).
HB 6080 Criminal procedure: evidence; certain references in presumption of coercion by husband; make gender neutral. Amends title & sec. 1 of 1935 PA 85 (MCL 780.401).
HB 6081 Property: other; certain references in qualities of estates in real and personal property; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 45 of 1846 RS 1 (MCL 554.45).
HB 6082 Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; certain references in public act relating to disability compensation for peace officer; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 2 of 1937 PA 329 (MCL 419.102).
HB 6083 Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; certain references in public act relating to disability compensation for firefighters; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 3 of 1942 (1st Ex Sess) PA 9 (MCL 419.203).
HB 6084 Children: other; certain references in the surrogate parenting act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 3 of 1988 PA 199 (MCL 722. 853).
HB 6085 Taxation: other; certain references in the real estate transfer tax act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 5 of 1966 PA 134 (MCL 207.505).
HB 6086 Crimes: other; certain references in the penal code; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 30, 90 166 & 335 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.30 et seq.).
HB 6087 Mental health: code; certain references in the mental health code; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 800 of 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330,1800).
HB 6088 Criminal procedure: sex offender registration; certain references in the sex offenders registration act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 2 of 1994 PA 295 (MCL 28.722).
HB 6089 Natural resources: gas and oil; certain references in the oil and gas mining statute; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 4 of 1941 PA 178 (MCL 319.104).
HB 6091 Human services: other; certain reference in the social welfare act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 32 of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.32).
HB 6092 Property: personal; act allowing ownership of certain personal property as tenancy by the entireties; revise gender-specific language. Amends title & sec. 1 of 1927 PA 212 (MCL 557.151).
HB 6093 Family law: child custody; certain references in the uniform child-custody jurisdiction and enforcement act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 309 of 2001 PA 195 (MCL 722.1309).
HB 6094 Family law: marriage and divorce; certain references in provision for alimony awarded by court of another state; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 2 of 1911 PA 52 (MCL 552.122).
HB 6095 Property: other; act validating conveyances made by attorney in fact; revise gender-specific language. Amends sec. 2 of 1861 PA 21 (MCL 565.602).
HB 6096 Property: other; community property act; revise gender-specific language. Amends secs. 3 & 4 of 1948 (1st Ex Sess) PA 39 (MCL 557.253 & 557.254).
HB 6097 Probate: wills and estates; certain references in the estates and protected individuals code; make gender neutral. Amends secs. 2114 & 2806 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.2114 & 700.2806).
HB 6098 Liquor: other; certain references in the liquor control act; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 801 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1801).
HJR T Civil rights: sexual orientation discrimination; certain references to marriage; make gender neutral. Amends sec. 1, art. X & repeals sec. 25, art. I of the state constitution.
Construction Law
HB 6039 Energy: alternative sources; property assessed clean energy program; include environmental hazard, new construction, and multifamily projects. Amends title & secs. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19 of 2010 PA 270 (MCL 460.931 et seq.) & designates sec. 1 as pt. 1 & secs. 3 - 19 as pt. 2.
HB 6040 Worker's compensation: benefits; essential workers who contract COVID-19; create presumption that related injuries arose out of the course of employment. Amends sec. 405 of 1969 PA 317 (MCL 418.405).
HB 6044 Labor: hours and wages; hazard pay for certain agriculture, farm, and seasonal workers during a declared emergency; provide for. Creates new act.
HB 6099 Health: other; face masks; require to be worn when entering places of public accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 5140.
HB 6101 Labor: health and safety; COVID-19 emergency; provide protection from liability to certain persons on reopening of business or school. Amends 1974 PA 154 (MCL 408.1001 - 408.1094) by adding secs. 85 & 85a.
Criminal Law
Disability Rights & Elder Law
Environmental & Natural Resources Law
HB 6036 Energy: alternative sources; property assessed clean energy program; extend participation to residential energy and environmental hazard projects. Amends title of 2010 PA 270 (MCL 460.931 - 460.949) & designates sec. as 1 pt. 1 & secs. 3 - 19 as pt. 2 & adds pt. 3.
HB 6037 Energy: alternative sources; property assessment program; authorize to finance residential energy and environmental hazard projects. Creates new act.
HB 6038 Environmental protection: funding; state water pollution control revolving fund and safe drinking water revolving fund; expand. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 5316a.
Family Law
Healthcare Law
Insurance Law
Juvenile Law
Labor & Employment Law
Licensing & Regulation
HB 6041 Veterans: other; reference to 1899 PA 214 in 1973 PA 139; modify citation. Amends sec. 4 of 1973 PA 139 (MCL 45.554).
HB 6042 Veterans: other; reference to 1899 PA 214 in the social welfare act; modify citation. Amends sec. 87 of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.87).
HB 6043 Veterans: other; act establishing county soldiers' relief funds; make general amendments. Amends title & secs. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 of 1899 PA 214 (MCL 35.21 et seq.); adds secs. 9 & 10 & repeals secs. 6 & 7 of 1899 PA 214 (MCL 35.26 & 35.27).
HB 6100 Law enforcement: communications; restrictions for use of the emergency alert system; provide for. Amends secs. 2 & 3 of 2016 PA 235 (MCL 28.672 & 28.673).
Military & Veterans Law
Probate & Estate Planning
Real Property
State & Local Government
Tort, Product Liability & Malpractice