HB 6299 Appropriations: zero budget; supplemental appropriations; provide for fiscal year 2020-2021.
HB 6300 Appropriations: zero budget; supplemental appropriations; provide for fiscal year 2020-2021.
HB 6301 Appropriations: zero budget; supplemental appropriations; provide for fiscal year 2020-2021.
HB 6302 Appropriations: zero budget; multisection school aid supplemental for fiscal year 2020-2021; provide for.
HB 6303 Appropriations: zero budget; multisection school aid supplemental for fiscal year 2020-2021; provide for.
HB 6304 Appropriations: zero budget; multisection school aid supplemental for fiscal year 2020-2021; provide for.
SB 1197 State financing and management: other; state financing of activities or services required of local units of government; provide for. Implements sec. 29, art. IX of the state constitution.
HB 6309 Businesses: business corporations; benefit corporations; authorize and establish duties of officers and directors.
HB 6310 Businesses: business corporations; benefit corporations; require annual benefit report.
HB 6311 Businesses: business corporations; business corporation act; general revisions concerning formation of benefit corporations.
HB 6312 Businesses: business corporations; benefit corporations; establish annual report filing requirements.
Civil Procedure
SB 1198 Civil procedure: other; persons that follow federal and state law regarding COVID-19; provide with a presumption against civil liability, and provide protections from liability related to certain products. Creates new act.
Criminal Law
SB 1193 Criminal procedure: evidence; time period sexual assault kit evidence must be stored; modify. Amends sec. 3 of 2014 of PA 227 (MCL 752.933).
SB 1194 Criminal procedure: evidence; time periods for transfer and analysis of sexual assault kit evidence; modify. Amends sec. 4 of 2014 PA 227 (MCL 752.934).
SB 1195 Criminal procedure: evidence; notification to victim required before destruction or disposal of sexual assault kit evidence; modify. Amends sec. 5 of 2014 PA 227 (MCL 752.935).
Eduation Law
HB 6306 Education: employees; certain requirements related to seizure awareness; provide for.
Labor & Employment Law
HB 6305 Employment security: employers; payment of taxes and contributions; allow all contributing employers to pay quarterly under certain circumstances.
SB 1196 Taxation: hotel-motel; Michigan short-term rental regulation and taxation act; create. Creates new act.
Licensing & Regulation
HB 6298 Traffic control: driver license; waiver of knowledge test for an individual with military commercial motor vehicle experience; provide for.
HB 6307 Watercraft: other; requirement for maritime pilot and prohibition of anchors in Straits of Mackinac; provide for.
HB 6308 Watercraft: traffic control; requirement for maritime pilot and prohibition of anchors in Straits of Mackinac; provide sentencing guidelines for violation of.
Maritime Law
Military Law
Motor Vehicles
State & Local Government