Face of Justice 2021 Virtual Program – February 2, 2022

Face of Justice Program


Mentor Resources & Tips

Presenters & Bios

Thumbnail of Stephanie Appiah

Stephanie Appiah
Title: Senior Vice President, Property Management
Current Employment: Bedrock Detroit
Email Address

Please explain your job: I am the Senior leader of the building operations team. I have a team of 200+ property managers, EVS technicians and building engineers. I manage properties post acquisition and pre-development, as well as vacant land parcels, commercial, retail and residential properties.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: I dreamed of being a diplomat.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Taking writing courses and becoming a writing associate mentor in college.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Look at local law schools - so many folks get caught up in the big name law schools, they neglect to apply to hyper-local schools that are in the market where they want to live or work.

Thumbnail of Kristina Bilowus

Kristina Bilowus
Title: Assistant Director of Career Development
Current Employment: MSU College of Law
Email Address

Please explain your job: I counsel, advise, and educate law students and recent law school graduates.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A lawyer.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Confidence.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Don't compare yourself to others. Work on your own strengths and skills, and build a good reputation for yourself.

Thumbnail of Ali Chokr

Ali Chokr
Title: Attorney
Current Employment: Kitch, Drutchas, Wagner, Valitutti, and Sherbrooke, P.C.
Email Address

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A Police Officer.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: A friend's older sibling that attended law school before me.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Stay driven. Plan and execute your goals!

Thumbnail of Margaret A. Costello

Margaret A. Costello
Title: Assoc. Professor and Director of the Veterans Law Clinic
Current Employment: University of Detroit Mercy Law
Email Address

Please explain your job: I teach courses to law students and supervise students in a clinic that helps low income veterans, particularly with getting benefits and dealing with issues with the VA and sometimes with the Dept. of Defense.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A photojournalist;  then a psychologist; ultimately a judge.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Learning to write and speak well; learning a good work ethic.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Get involved in civic and community activities whenever possible and work hard and do your best at whatever you do.

Thumbnail of Zane Sami Hatahet

Zane Hatahet
Title: Legal Counsel for North America
Current Employment: Magna Electronics Inc.
Email Address


Please explain your job: I manage legal affairs for Magna Electronics Inc., the electronics group of Magna International Inc., the largest automotive supplier in North America.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A lawyer.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Handling all steps necessary to attend law school far in advance, to avoid rushing / making poor choices - e.g., I started studying for the LSAT within 3 days of graduating from high school.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Practicing law allowed me to attain the dreams and goals I created for myself, and it can do that for you, too.

Blank Thumbnail

Nekia Kelley
Title: Attorney Advisor
Current Employment: Social Security Administration
Email Address


Please explain your job: I advise Administrative Law Judges regarding Social Security disability laws, review medical records, and write decisions for disability claims.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A lawyer that could solve cases like Matlock!

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Essay writing in high school.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Enjoy life, but stay committed to your future.

Thumbnail of Takura Nyamfukudza

Takura Nyamfukudza
Title: Partner / Litigator
Current Employment: Chartier & Nyamfukudza, P.L.C.
Email Address

Please explain your job: I am a criminal defense attorney.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: I thought at some point that I might become a pilot.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: My time in the United States Army.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: The habits that will make you a successful attorney have already begun to form. Prepare for class. Participate in class. Do not take shortcuts. Also, practice getting to know your teachers and peers, as the legal world is a small community.

Thumbnail of Nicholas M. Ohanesian

Nicholas M. Ohanesian
Title: United States Administrative Law Judge
Current Employment: Social Security Administration
Email Address

Please explain your job: I preside over disability hearings under the Social Security Act.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: High school teacher.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Seeking out mentors in college.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: You have the opportunity to do an enormous amount of good as an attorney.

Thumbnail of Hon. Miriam Perry

Hon. Miriam Perry
Title: District Court Judge
Current Employment: 15th District Court
Email Address


Please explain your job: I preside in criminal and traffic matters in district court.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A judge.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Being a life-long learner.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: I did most things the hard way, if I can do this so can you.

Thumbnail of Solon M. Phillips

Solon M. Phillips
Title: Corporation Counsel
Current Employment: Oakland County, MI
Email Address

Please explain your job: Oakland County's top civil lawyer. My office provides legal representation to all of Oakland County's electeds, departments, commissions, and boards.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A civil rights lawyer.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: My prior career as a classroom teacher.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: No matter what you encounter along the way, never (ever) give up on your goals and dreams.

Thumbnail of Nicole Saady

Nicole Saady
Title: Attorney
Current Employment: Nicole Saady, Attorney
Email Address

Please explain your job: Solo practioner - mostly experienced in criminal defense and family law.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: An astronaut architect princess.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Customer service positions - they helped me learn to effectively communicate and work within systems.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: It is a field that does not limit the amount of growth and learning an individual can achieve professionally.

Thumbnail of Lisa Screen

Lisa Screen
Title: Attorney - Shareholder/Partner
Current Employment: Garan Lucow Miller; PC
Email Address

Please explain your job: I specialize in insurance defense, specifically first and third party benefits claims under the Michigan No-Fault Act.  Additionally, I defend underinsured/uninsured motorist benefit claims, third party/bodily injury/negligence claims as well as criminal matters.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: An attorney.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Determination – as it is the essence of increasing your chances of being successful in achieving your goals, and it also helps you to stay motivated and focused as well as giving you the drive to continue striving towards your ultimate goals.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Job shadowing is important as it will give you the opportunity to observe that person performing their daily work routine. It will enable you to get a realistic picture of their duties.

Thumbnail of Anne M. Yantus

Anne M. Yantus
Title: Sentence Consultant
Current Employment: Michigan Sentencing PLLC
Email Address

Please explain your job: I work primarily with court-appointed attorneys who have questions about Michigan felony sentencing law.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Learn about the three branches of government and how they interact.