e-Journal Summary

e-Journal Number : 32153
Opinion Date : 06/20/2006
e-Journal Date : 07/06/2006
Court : Michigan Court of Appeals
Case Name : Snyder v. Moore
Practice Area(s) : Personal Protection Orders
Judge(s) : Memorandum – Cooper, Neff, and Borrello
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Denial of motion to terminate an ex parte PPO and an amended PPO; Mootness; Eller v. Metro Indus. Contracting, Inc.


The court held the appeal of the trial court’s denial of respondent’s motion to terminate an ex parte PPO and the amended PPO obtained by petitioner was moot because the amended PPO expired during the pendency of the appeal. Thus, it was no longer possible for the court to grant respondent relief from the provisions of the PPO. Accordingly, the court dismissed the appeal as moot.

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